Bamboo Rice - 100% Wild Forest Brown Bamboo Rice (2 lbs)

Weight: 2.0 lb

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Bamboo rice, also known as Moongil Arisi or Mulayari, is a unique and rare variety of rice that is not actually produced from bamboo itself but rather from the seeds of the bamboo plant.  While bamboo rice is not as commonly consumed as other varieties of rice, it offers several potential health benefits when used in Indian cooking.

Other Names: Moongil Arisi, Veduru Biyyam, Mulayari, Bidiru Akki, Baans Chaaval.

Bamboo rice is a rare variety of rice collected by the tribes residing in the forest from the seeds of bamboo flowers. The Traditional Bamboo rice is pungent, sweet, strong, and nutritious. It cures kapha, pitta dosha, removes toxic substances from the body and cures the disease in which the vital humors or fluids substances of the body are excreted through urine. 

Bamboo rice is not commonly available due to the reason that it takes many years for an aged plant to flower which is unpredictable as these may vary from few years to 100 years for a bamboo plant to flower.

It have highly nutrition content & rich medicinal values.  The regular use can help to controls Joints pain, back pain and rheumatic pain due to higher protein content.

We can consider the bamboo rice as a very good substitutes for the polished white paddy rice, normally bamboos trees grow in tropical rain forest. It is one of the tallest herb grasses. The bamboos trees flowering at the end of its lifespan. During the process of milling the rice, chlorophyll from the bamboo is added to seeds & it give a nice flavor & aroma.

The bamboo rice is considered as genuine forest product and in most places only the local tribal are given access and allowed to collect these seeds. For the cleanest collection, the area around the base of each clump of bamboo is cleared, then smoothed down with a slurry of clay. When this has dried, the bamboo rice is gently shaken down onto the prepared surface and then gathered up to be cleaned. Bamboo rice is not commonly available since their flowering pattern is highly unpredictable and it may vary from a few years to up to 100 years for a bamboo plant to flower.

A wide range of delicacies like Payasam, Unniyappam (sweet balls), Uppma, Kanji (Porridge) and Puttu (steam cake) etc can be made from bamboo rice. The bamboo rice can be cooked and consumed just like our regular rice. It goes well with most Indian curries. The health benefits and nutrient content of bamboo rice is remarkable.

Vendor: Vayal Foods
Type: Rice
Weight: 2.0 lb