Mapillai Samba Rice (2 lbs)

Weight: 2.0 lb

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Mapillai Samba is a native variety of rice, which is red in color and is grown predominantly in Tamil Nadu. It's well suited to organic farming because it is hardy and demands little or no fertilizers or pesticides. The high fibre content eases digestion. The vitamin B1 aids in healing...

Mapillai Samba is a native variety of rice, which is red in color and is grown predominantly in Tamil Nadu. It's well suited to organic farming because it is hardy and demands little or no fertilizers or pesticides.

  • The high fibre content eases digestion.
  • The vitamin B1 aids in healing stomach and mouth ulcers.
  • Improves immunity and stamina
  • Strengthens muscles and nerves
  • Increases hemoglobin content
  • Good for diabetics since it is has a low Glycemic Index.

How to Cook?

This can be cooked as rice for meal, or made as Idli, Dosa, Upma, Pongal etc.  

  • Rinse the rice in water & soak it for 90 minutes.
  • Keep a pot shaped vessel on the stove add water (qty should be 3 times of the rice) and let it boil. 
  • Add soaked rice to boiling water, keep the stove in slow speed.
  • Optional - Add a pinch of salt if needed.
  • When it almost absorbed all the water, check whether the rice is cooked, if not add little hot water.
  • Repeat the above step until the rice is completely cooked. Usually it takes about 30 to 45 minutes for Mapillai samba rice to be cooked well, there will be some water still left over with the rice.
  • Drain the remaining water in a separate vessel, that's your Gruel - morning energy drink Mapillai samba's Gruel is so unique - known to provide high energy, a proven cure for ulcers, traditionally given to new mothers to regain strength
Vendor: Vayal Foods
Type: Rice
Weight: 2.0 lb